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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Feral Hog of the Sandhills

After Larry McMurtry’s Streets of Laredo

By Jack Rafferty


when the last of the bison were slaughtered

the hides were piled thousands high

in anticipation to be sold

but prices crashed, and the hides were left to rot


the ropes that held the hides frayed

and were chewed by vermin

the old flesh scattered

dispersed to become the land


then the crows came

thousands of them

their harsh voices filled the air

for thirty miles


people built a town

if it could be called that

upon the foundation of old rot

small and ragged


they would bury their dead

without care or ceremony

by a lone mesquite tree

in the sandhills


one day

a massive hog arrived 

it exhumed the graves

and devoured three bodies


the locals, appalled by this beast

gathered their guns

they fired into its matted fur

and to their horror it did not falter


it did not die

nor did it stop feasting on the bodies

at its slow, methodical pace

silent except for the gnashing


it ate its fill unbothered by the bullets

and trudged into the night

like some unholy spirit

bloody and fattened on dead flesh


a month later an ox killed a mule skinner

the hog returned

accompanied by crows

bloated herald of decay


the crows attended to it

like some fat monarch

plucking ticks from its rank flesh

the people called it Devil Pig


people soon began to believe

that when the hog departed

it walked into Hell

through a tunnel in the riverbank


when it left

the crows remained

the cacophony of their collective voice

drove people to madness


the crows stayed as envoys

a reminder to those occupying 

this land born from death

that death is the only true warden here  

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