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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Dale M.’s Music Obsessions 2018

By Dale M.

Hyborian, Vol.1 (2017).
Hyborian have a 1980s metal sound meets Baroness, Mastodon, and Kylesa before they figuratively died. Hope Hyborian don’t follow the same path.

YOB, Our Raw Heart (2018). 
I usually can only listen to YOB in very small doses, but for an unknown reason this release has been in my regular rotation.

Dead Cross, Dead Cross (2017).  
I had no idea this was a “super group” when I picked this up. Now that I know this, shouldn’t this be better? 

fIREHOSE, Ragin’, Full On (1986). 
I called in some archaeologists to unearth this one, so I could learn the bassline to “Brave Captain.” Bonus! Better than I remembered.

Cop On Fire, Discography (2008). 
Crust, d-beat punk at its finest.

Rainbow, Rainbow Rising (1976). 
How the shit did I miss this one when I was a teenager? I think I listened to this album in its entirety two to three times a day for at least two months. Two of my top five Dio performed songs come off this one.

1 comment:

  1. I had really high hopes for Dead Cross, being a fan of The Locust. The songs hit on the same gnarly dissonance that I enjoyed with the Locust, but they don't have the musical diversity or the epic technical skills that the guys in the Locust have.
