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There is a good chance you found us accidentally by using the word “taint” in your search (If you found us on purpose, you deserve our accolades). Of course we don’t know what you were looking for, but you stumbled on a damn cool project. Look around; let us help send you on a musical journey. Here you will find a number of album reviews from the strange and extreme to the tame and mainstream. Our reviewers are a bunch of obsessive miscreants. Most of us are avid music collectors and have been involved in the music world for decades. A couple of us have been in or are still in bands.

There are no rules on Tickle Your Taint Blog. Our reviewers might make you laugh, or piss you off; both results are legitimate. One reviewer might write a glowing review of an album another might tear it apart. We may end up adopting a single review system, such as five stars, or each reviewer may use his own or none at all. We may have a new review every week or we could end up with one every six months. This blog exists as a social experiment to build community among a diverse group of music maniacs – our reviewers and hopefully you. Pull down your knickers, lube up and join us in tickling yours and our taints.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Daniel Romano, Finally Free (2018)

By Five-Inch Taint

This morning I did something that helped me relate much more to how Daniel Romano must have been feeling when he finished recording his latest album, Finally Free. I woke up and got ready for my typical morning constitutional. However, today was slightly different. Instead of going straight into the bathroom, I went into my office where I had a large brown bag filled with very specialized tools. Full of confidence, I pulled out a hat. Now, this is not your typical cap or a hat that a magician would pull a rabbit out of. No, the contents within were not any that a magician would want to extract. This hat is to be placed on a toilet seat and you are expected to fill it with your shit. So, I obliged. I duly placed down the hat in the proper location and proceeded to decimate it with a shit that contained the over 50 grams of fiber I had consumed the day before.

As I contemplate why my life has come to this point, I reach into the brown goodie bag to pick out the rest of its contents: two wooden sticks (not dissimilar to the old wooden tongue depressors), four pink latex gloves, and a vial that was destined to be the vessel of my shit. I wondered if the factory owners who oversaw the production of this piece of plastic ever considered what would be contained within their product?

After finishing my business, I slap on the gloves, pick up the sticks, and begin to shovel my excrement into this vile vial. After washing my hands, putting on some pants, I dutifully place my doodie container in a plastic bag to conceal its contents. Normally, I have very little shame. Most of my reviews on this website are about shit. However, as I headed off to the hospital to deposit my poop to some unsuspecting nurse, I began to feel this tremendous sense of embarrassment. No person should ever have to hand personal butt brownies to another living being. I ask: What am I doing with my life? How could something that I produced that is never intended to be seen in the general public now be on display for all the world to see? I felt shame and embarrassment.

As I approached the hospital, I started to think more about the person receiving my contained crap. What poor, unsuspecting fool will I be releasing my release on? Before I knew it, I approached the desk, handed the receptionist the test orders, my identification, and my insurance information. Great, I realize, now this is not just some anonymous dung—it has a name. That name is “Five-Inch Taint.” Awash with a wave of self-consciousness, and much to my chagrin, I hand it over and announce: I am Five-Inch Taint, and this is shit. The entire buildup of this morning, but this last moment in particular, is how I imagine Daniel Romano must have felt when he recorded his latest album Finally Free. I cannot begin to tell you how awful this album is.

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