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There are no rules on Tickle Your Taint Blog. Our reviewers might make you laugh, or piss you off; both results are legitimate. One reviewer might write a glowing review of an album; another might tear it apart. We may have a new review every week, or we could end up with one every six months. This blog exists as a social experiment to build community among a diverse group of music maniacs – our reviewers and hopefully you.

Monday, May 20, 2024

BIG|BRAVE, nature morte (2023)


By Jack Rafferty

I’ve enjoyed BIG|BRAVE’s music for a while, but it has never fully drawn me in the way I wish it would. With nature morte, they’ve succeeded more clearly in that endeavor. Their heavy post-metal/drone sound and vast atmosphere is a little more wounded and vulnerable here, and it delves into places more captivating than in previous releases. The lead vocals are raw and unstable, the drums and bass thrumming and building in ebbs and flows of urgency and contemplation, seemingly on the verge of plummeting away from some established sense of normalcy built on centuries of blood, into territories unknown. Best enjoyed in the dark, eyes closed, mind wandering into and through the canyons of sound they weave, to darker places. 

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