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There are no rules on Tickle Your Taint Blog. Our reviewers might make you laugh, or piss you off; both results are legitimate. One reviewer might write a glowing review of an album; another might tear it apart. We may have a new review every week, or we could end up with one every six months. This blog exists as a social experiment to build community among a diverse group of music maniacs – our reviewers and hopefully you.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wormhole, Almost Human (2023)


By Jack Rafferty

What do you get when a brutal death/slam band listens to Ulcerate and goes, “yeah throw some of that in there”? You get this, apparently. Heavy as fuck, while still containing the iconic high- pitched tremolo and alternate-picking-ringing-out-discordant-notes flavor from Ulcerate. I’ve seen in certain places this being referred to as “Tech Slam,” and I don’t really get that from it, but the nitpicking over sub-genres gets a bit ridiculous at certain points, so let’s focus on more nuanced points. The vocals really stand out to me. They make me think if some machine that demolishes boulders were to be synthesized with a machine that dredges the ocean depths. I do think they are a bit monotone (typical of slam, to be honest, a reason that sub-genre doesn’t always do it for me). This album is at its best when it isn’t leaning too heavily in any direction, but pulling from multiple influences and combining them effectively. 

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