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Monday, May 27, 2024

Tomb Mold, The Enduring Spirit (2023)


By Jack Rafferty

Last year was one hell of a year for death metal. I’ve never gotten heavily into Tomb Mold. I know the metal community has been in love with them since day one, and I get it, their take on old school death metal has always been great, and I enjoyed it, but never really returned for repeat listens. With The Enduring Spirit, it seems Tomb Mold is beginning to branch out and try out proggier, more melodic, sounds. I think this decision was a good one, as I find their sound more dynamic and engaging than I have in the past. Perhaps that can be attributed to taste alone, but I do think that this new direction has Tomb Mold focusing more deeply on songwriting, without sacrificing the brutality they cultivated so well in the past. Enduring Spirit guides the listener through winding, alien pathways that are constantly shifting, keeping us on our toes the entire runtime. Very cool to see how much Tomb Mold has evolved as a group with this release, and I am curious to see where they will go next. 

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