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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Hellripper, Warlocks Grim and Withered Hags (2023)


By Jack Rafferty

Blackened speed metal is not a genre I’m very acquainted with. Venom is the most notable influence on display here, as with many, and it was always a band that I’ve had little experience with or knowledge about. Despite that, there often comes an album like Hellripper’s new LP, that is just too much fun to ignore. The excellent cover art and some high praise from sources I follow initially drew me to this, and I’m glad they did, as this album kicks ass. There’s also quite a lot of elements of thrash going on here, and it all melds together really well. For being a one-man project in terms of songwriting, this is excellent. The riffs are especially standout, there is a plethora of them here, and they really kept me locked in for the album’s runtime. 

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