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Friday, May 24, 2024

Moonlight Sorcery, Horned Lord of the Thorned Castle (2023)


By Jack Rafferty

Apart from having an album title that is really fun to say, I am rather conflicted by this one. When it comes to melodic black metal, it really has to be a specific type of sound for me. I lean more into the wretchedness and dark atmosphere of black metal, with a tad of melody. Moonlight Sorcery certainly seems to heavily favor a lot of melody in their sound. There’s a lot of fun riffs here, and the production quality is great (important when considering black metal, to me). There is clearly a lot going on with Moonlight Sorcery that is very much worth paying attention to. My reservations with the album seem simply due to “personal taste,” so check it out for yourself to see if it offers more for you. 

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