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There are no rules on Tickle Your Taint Blog. Our reviewers might make you laugh, or piss you off; both results are legitimate. One reviewer might write a glowing review of an album; another might tear it apart. We may have a new review every week, or we could end up with one every six months. This blog exists as a social experiment to build community among a diverse group of music maniacs – our reviewers and hopefully you.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Year of the Knife, No Love Lost (2023)


By Jack Rafferty

Year of the Knife had a gnarly car accident in June 2023, following their show in Salt Lake City. It was a horrible thing. Fortunately, everyone in the band survived, but there were serious injuries. In typical U.S. fashion, it is completely fucked that they had to use GoFundMe to pay for everything, but I’m glad they got the community support they needed. Really cheering on as speedy of a recovery as possible for the band.

No Love Lost is crushingly heavy. I love Madi on vocals. I’ve heard a lot of shit about the vocalist switch, which I think a lot of is tied to unfortunate misogyny in parts of the genre’s fanbase. Regardless, I think she does a fuckin great job, and everyone is dialed in for this record. Crushingly heavy and angry. Brilliant.

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