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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Night Crowned, Tales (2023)


By Jack Rafferty

This one is intriguing. Night Crowned play melodic black metal that has tinges of symphonic/melodic/folk infused throughout. Standout elements for me are the vocals and the guitar melodies, they’ve really nailed it on that front. I also enjoy that, while the typical sounds of folk metal are present, they are used sparsely, and are not overbearing. I do not find them distracting like I do in most instances of that sub-genre. One issue I have is I really think they cleaned up the production a bit too much on this release. Their previous releases had a much grittier sound that I think worked better for what they are aiming at. Regardless, Tales is a very solid release. Overall, I think Night Crowned have improved in their songwriting by quite a noticeable amount. 

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