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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Cryptopsy, As Gomorrah Burns (2023)


By Jack Rafferty

For me, None So Vile is absolutely iconic. I personally do not have a ton of experience with Cryptopsy beyond that album, as I haven’t given the rest of their discography enough attention. Therefore, my perspective of As Gomorrah Burns is mainly in terms of, “how does this stack up to None So Vile?” To be honest, I don’t think it is a fair question to ask, as nearly thirty years have passed since that album. What I can say about As Gomorrah Burns is that it is a non-stop barrage. Few albums that I listened to this past year have such a sense of urgency to bash your fuckin’ brains in. Each song is short, tightly composed, and feels like being bombarded by concrete rain. The speed and technicality remain incredibly impressive, and I really appreciate Cryptopsy’s attention to detail, in the sense that the distinctness of sounds never get lost in the chaos of it all. I do think that there is less personality present here. I don’t feel the same strong sense of character and style that I did with None So Vile, but overall, I think this is a very solid release. 

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